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I have an expansive view of road trips. Any trip with a road, a car, camping, and hiking along with other outdoor activities, natural scenery, explorations, and adventures can be properly filed under the heading of Road Trip. It might be just one night and a short distance away. Or, it might be many weeks and thousands of miles. Size really doesn't matter. Occasionally road trips even involve airplanes and hotels but that is just fine too.

A Road Trip is about what you are doing and how you are doing it. It is a state of mind. A Road Trip is a temporary way of life into which you immerse yourself.

At the moment this space will serve as a testament to all of my past road trips. There are descriptions, notes, stories, and plenty of photos. It is my only hope that you are inspired to embark on your own road trip.

In the future I hope to publish some guides with Road Trips Tips. Logistics is the key to a happy road trip and I have plenty to say on the matter.

Notes: Road Trips beginning in 2023 have a much more detailed story like layout. These are also the first trips I took knowing they would go on this website. Eventually everthing will be converted to the better format and it will go all the way back to my first road trip in 2007.

This site is optimized for larger displays in order to allow the details and impressions of the photography to be fully appreciated. As such I cannot recommend viewing the site with a cell phone.
Click on a trip.
Title Start End Trip Description